Do you want to know how teamecho works?

For a better together

Create a better together through questions, answers and comments. This is what teamecho has stood for since 2015. Since day one, we have been steadily pursuing our vision: everyone should enjoy going to work. Learn our story here.

Our vision

You can count on us. Because since 2015, we have been joining forces with the brightest minds to help companies create a working environment that inspires. We succeed in this by combining science and technology. Always at the center: people and their needs. The knowledge from work and organizational psychology is our basis and our software, which is developed in-house, is the tool that everyone can work with.

How it all began

In June 2015, we were able to reach our first major milestone: Together with our software partner Catalysts and with scientific support from Johannes Kepler University, we were able to present the first mood barometer for companies. Our product has evolved steadily since 2015.

But the cornerstones have remained: regular, automated short surveys with changing, scientifically based questions. Plus the teamecho dashboard for real-time insights into sentiment and our commenting system for feedback in both directions. Of course with absolute anonymity for sensitive data.

Our customers

Our more than one hundred active customers with their several thousand employees let us know through their feedback that we are working on the right thing. Whether start-up, SME or corporate, teamecho has something for everyone who values good teamwork.

That’s why our customers include companies of all sizes and industries that are united by one thing: their relentless pursuit of a better working world for all.

Our team

For our vision, we need people who work every day to ensure that everyone enjoys going to work in the future. In 2016, Carmen started as the first employee at teamecho. Since then we have grown and grown.

We now have three major divisions for which we are constantly on the lookout for more bright minds.

Our values


We are courageous because we make a difference. Transparency and open communication require courage.


We are cordial because we really like people and want to improve their everyday work.


We are professional because we value quality. We are only satisfied when our customers are satisfied.

Our investors

A good idea needs not only motivated people, but also the necessary start-up funding to move forward quickly. In addition to our angel investors around Thomas Eder, we are pleased that we were able to win Carsten Maschmeyer with his VC fund seed+speed, the Runtastic founders around Florian Gschwandtner with their investment vehicle 8eyes as well as the OÖ HightechFonds as investors.

Founders of teamecho

Those who see leadership not as an administrative management task, but as a charismatic leadership role, know how important it is to create a working environment that inspires everyone

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