Do you want to know how teamecho works?

Where we help

Employee experience, employer branding, change management and leadership: that’s what teamecho is all about. Learn how we help you with these topics.

Crisis Communication

Leadership in times of crisis

How safely do you navigate through difficult times? Just ask! With teamecho, you can make sure that your communication really gets through.

In times of crisis, your team needs a strong leader to provide guidance. teamecho helps you to understand in real time what your team needs and where quick action is required. So that your best people stay.

Employer branding

What makes me attractive as an employer? Just ask. Discover what really matters to your employees with teamecho.

Check constantly whether the image you project to the outside world is really being lived on the inside. Satisfied employees are the best advertisement.

Employer Branding mit teamecho
Emplyoee Experience mit teamecho

Employee experience

How do I create the perfect employee experience? Just ask. Your team knows best what it takes to excel.

teamecho shows you exactly where to start so that the work in your company is exciting and fulfilling. For more engagement and commitment. And fun at work.


What should be my focus? Just ask. teamecho is your leadership compass.

Track which measures work best in the dashboard and make the right decisions at the right time. Honest feedback helps you grow as a person and a leader.

Leadership Skills mit teamecho
Change Management mit teamecho

Change management

What does my team need during the change process? Just ask. With teamecho you always know if your employees are still on board or already on the way out.

Act in time and track the success of your actions directly in teamecho. So that your team doesn’t only endure change, but also supports it.

Alexander Soukup Herold
Managing Director & COO at Herold

For us, teamecho is the ear close to our employees, enabling us to capture moods and then react to them in a targeted manner.

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